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The Church: The One Present
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. — John 16:7
Jesus said that it is expedient, it is beneficial, it is better if I go. Why? Because you will receive the Holy Ghost. We live today in the greatest God-dispensation that there ever was. It is not God among us, it is not only God with us, but it is now God in us! Jesus was excited to be going to the right hand of the Father so He could send mankind the Holy Ghost. He declared that you having the Holy Ghost is better than to personally walk with Jesus in the flesh. Jesus was the disciples’ leader, He was their teacher, He was their provider, He was their protector, but only when He was in the same physical place with them. You now have a leader, a teacher, a provider, a protector, a comforter, a friend, with you and in you 24 hours-a-day. He is the Holy Ghost. You can ignore Him, forget about Him, even be unaware of His presence, but that does not change the fact that He is in you. Because most Christians see God only in a picture, or on a cross, or as a distant God, they never receive the benefits of the Holy Ghost in their daily lives. He desires to show the power of God to a world in darkness, to demonstrate His glory to the nations. We must become aware of the “advantage” which the Father has given us. We need to get to know Him and to cooperate with Him in our daily life. It is better that Jesus left–-you have the Holy Ghost!
The Church: The Gift Given
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. -- John 16:13
The Holy Spirit has come! Jesus has been raised and seated and has sent the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus left, He spent four whole chapters in the gospel of John telling His disciples to get ready because He was going to send another Comforter! He was going to send the power source of God to be with them and live in them, that it was better if He left; that they could do greater works by the new power in them. They could now go directly to the Father with their petitions; they could ask and receive. Also the Holy Spirit would lead them and guide them out of false believing and wrong doctrine into all truth! The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Truth. He is on a mission to lead you into the place of total liberty–-spirit, soul, and body. If He can get you to know the truth, you can live totally free. You must learn to hear His voice and follow His promptings in order to not be led by your head but by the Spirit of God. You must desire and seek His guidance in your daily life. Too many go when they want to go, then end up in a mess and call out to God for help. But you can avoid wrong decisions, wrong turns in life, by learning to follow the Holy Ghost. He is your guide, your teacher, and your friend in this supernatural life. Do not ignore the greatest gift that you will ever receive-–the person of the Holy Ghost!
The Spirit of God: The Enabler
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you,... — Acts 2:22
Jesus, fully God, lived as a man anointed with the Holy Ghost and power. He was approved of God. God showed His approval of Jesus’ life by performing miracles, wonders, and signs through Him. This is God’s method of operation: placing His Holy Ghost, His supernatural power, on a man, to do supernatural works. Jesus did the works, but He did them because of the supernatural equipment on His life-–the anointing. It was God and man working together to get mankind free and to further God’s kingdom of freedom and deliverance. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Cor. 3:17)! The Spirit of the Lord is omnipresent–-He is everywhere; yet we do not see liberty everywhere. This is because only where the Spirit is allowed to be Lord, is where there is liberty. Every time the Spirit of God is given access, the anointing of God will remove burdens and destroy yokes. The Holy Spirit must be given the right to have His way in the church, in your ministry, and in your daily life. You, too, are a man or woman who can be approved of God with miracles, signs, and wonders because of the anointing upon you. Become a co-laborer with God and watch His power and Spirit manifest in your life! God will do it by you.
The Spirit of God: The Same Ability
Monday, December 2, 2024
...the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
— John 14:12b
As we read in the gospels about the mighty works that Jesus did–-the signs, wonders, and miracles–-we are all awestruck by His power and ability. We see the gospel preached with power, the blind able to see, the deaf now hearing, the lame walking, and the lunatics set free. What a powerful display of supernatural ability! What an advancement for the Kingdom of God! What a decline in Satanic rule in the lives of mankind! What a man of faith and power Jesus is! Then He drops a bombshell on us. He declares that the same works He did, we can now do, and even greater works than He did, we can do! Is this a misprint? Did Jesus lose His mind? No, He just knew how powerful the Spirit and anointing can be on anyone’s life. He had more faith and confidence in the power of God than in the works of the devil. He believed that men would learn to cooperate with that power and ability to do His work...and “even greater works.” All this would take place, not if Jesus stayed here among us, but if He went away to the Father. Why? Because when He went to the Father, He received of the Father the Holy Ghost, and shed Him forth on all flesh (Acts 2:33). The same ability which Jesus cooperated with is the same ability you have and with which you can learn to cooperate. The results will not only be the same works, but greater works.
The Spirit of God: Everything You Need
Monday, November 25, 2024
Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; — 2 Corinthians 1:21
God not only chose to anoint Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power (Acts 10:38), but also has anointed you. It is a privilege to be anointed by God and given the ability to do the works of the Kingdom. Most Christians see themselves as powerless, weak, and victims, waiting for God to step in and do something in their life. They look to heaven for help in their jobs and family and social life. They cry out for God to intervene in their marriages, circumstances, and situations. But God has given you all the help that you need: The Anointing! He has enabled and empowered you to blow any problem out of your life. Sickness is no match for the anointing. Lack is no match for the anointing. Depression is no match, and demons themselves have no chance against the power of God in your life. You need to magnify the anointing which you have of God, rather than your problems. Magnify the power He has given you instead of the troubles in your life. Talk about and think about this wonderful ability He has put upon your life rather than talking about and worrying about what the devil is doing. Whatever you meditate on and talk about will manifest in your life! Trouble or power! Evil work or divine intervention! You have been anointed by God! It is enough to keep you on top.