We believe in one God, self-existent in three Persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Righteous Judge of all the earth. He is perfect in power, in wisdom, and in goodness, and has chosen to love and reveal Himself to man.
We believe in the Bible as the inspired word of God, the final authority in all matters of life, a living Book full of power and the source of hope, faith, and strength. We believe in living by faith in God and in His Word, and not living according to natural circumstances. We do not deny the facts of these changeable circumstances, but hold the Truth of the eternal Word of God above them. We believe divine healing and deliverance from demonic oppression in all its forms have already been provided for us in the Word. We receive prosperity as well, as we walk in His ways and live for His purposes.
We believe mankind was created by God in His own image and likeness to have a relationship with Him and dominion over the earth and its creatures. Man was given intellect, emotions, and a free will with which to choose to obey or disobey God. He also received God’s breath of life, becoming a living being in spirit as well as body. However, all mankind is now eternally lost, spiritually dead (separated from God in life and in death), born with a sinful nature. Man cannot, in himself, do anything to escape this situation. We believe the only answer to this dilemma is through the atoning work of Jesus Christ in His life, death, burial, and resurrection. By His own blood, He undid the work of Satan, and man’s own wrong choice. We believe those who place their trust in God and His Word and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior are spiritually reborn. Each believer becomes a “new creation,” one with Christ in spirit, with the ability to allow the Spirit of God to live His life through him/her.
We believe Jesus is the sinless Son of God. He laid aside His supernatural rights and powers as God, took on human flesh, and was born of a virgin. He operated on this earth as a man anointed by the Holy Ghost. He laid down His life as a Substitute for mankind, an atoning Sacrifice, paying for man’s release from the bondage and penalty of sin by His own blood. He died, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day. He ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of God, being made both Lord and Christ. He will soon return to Earth bodily in great power and glory.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity, equal with God. He is the Teacher of the church, the body of believers, their Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Advocate, and Stand-by. He reveals truth and shows us things to come. He takes up residence in the hearts of believers once they are born again. We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, as witnessed in the Book of Acts, when He “comes upon” believers to empower them for service. He develops the fruit of godly living in the believer and works through them, manifesting His gifts of supernatural power.
We believe the Church is not a building, but a living organism comprised of believers all over the world and united by the Spirit of the living God dwelling inside each individual member. The Church is considered Christ’s bride, His body, His ambassadors, His representative on the earth. We believe each member of the Body of Christ is called to be a member of a local body of believers as well, under the five-fold ministry gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. As a participating member of this local body, the believer is able to grow into the completeness of the call of God on his/her life.