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The Holy Ghost: Remembering Him
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire: — Luke 3:16b
To be baptized with water is to be immersed or completely submerged in water. John said, “There is one coming who will not immerse you in water but will submerge and immerse you with the Holy Ghost and fire.” You have been immersed into the Holy Ghost. You are soaked with the Person of the Spirit and fire. You will never be alone in the world again; you are no longer helpless–-the Holy Spirit is now with and in you. He is not a vibration, not a feeling, not a goose bump–-He is a real Person! He is the Power from on high; He is now your Guide throughout a life of victory. Your life has now been dramatically changed. You possess the power of God, the wisdom of God, the gifts of the Spirit; you possess God Himself. He has come to you to co-labor with you to reach and touch a dying world with His love and presence. You have now become the life-line between Almighty God and humanity. Do not get caught in a daily routine and forget about the Holy Spirit and your call to be the light of the world! Tell someone today about what Jesus has done for them and let the Holy Spirit loose in your life. You are baptized with the power to make an impact this day!
The Holy Ghost: Releasing Him
Monday, December 16, 2024
And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased. — Luke 3:22
That day in the river Jordan the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus. Immediately there was a radical change that took place in Jesus’ life. For thirty years, Jesus had studied and worked and grown in the things of God. He had not made any recorded impact on society until that day. But on this day something happened! Something changed! He was baptized with the power from on high. Suddenly all the works of the devil were no longer safe and secure. The sick who had been oppressed of the devil were healed, the lunatics whose minds had been confused were set free and cleared up, the blind spirits and deaf spirits had to loose humanity and let them go. This baptism, this infusion, this enduement with the Spirit had transformed Jesus into a wrecking crew for God! Up until this time the devil had not been challenged, he had not had to submit to Jesus and flee from those he bound, his rule and reign over mankind had gone unarrested. This same ability, this same power, has come upon the Body of Christ! Sickness and disease, fear and bondage should not be safe anywhere. The time of freedom has come. “This is the day of your salvation.” Receive your deliverance right now! Believe the promises of God and The Promise Himself! You are endued!
The Church: The Signs
Thursday, December 12, 2024
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. -- Mark 16:17, 18
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, if you are born again, there are certain signs that will be part of your life. “You shall cast out devils.” Devils are real spiritual beings. They are out to destroy mankind through sickness and disease, fear, doubt, and oppression. God did not call the believer to be harassed by demon spirits, but to enforce their defeat, which was accomplished at the Cross. Poison is not supposed to have any effect on a believer; bad water should not make you sick; the Flu of the Year should not be able to attach itself to a believer. You have the supernatural ability to repel harmful things which would hurt the natural person. “They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” This is a supernatural sign that should accompany your life. You have supernatural power over sickness and disease in the lives of others. “They shall speak with new tongues.” Tongues is a supernatural sign that belongs to the believer. Not just for a few, but for all. It is a spirit language that is inspired by the Holy Ghost to build you up in the things of the Spirit. Are you a believer? How many of these signs are following you? These signs shall-–if you believe.
The Church: The Sent
Monday, December 9, 2024
So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. -- Mark 16:19, 20
Jesus Christ is seated bodily at the right hand of the Father. He will never preach another sermon, He will never cast out another devil, He will never again heal another sick person. He said, “Go ye,” and then ascended and sat down. God’s perfect will is that the Church should go, the Church should preach, the Church should cast out, the Church should heal, and the Church should speak in tongues. Instead, the Church has spent most of its time praying and asking God to do it, pleading and wondering why God does not do it. But the Great Commission is not the Church sending the Lord–-it is the Lord sending the Church. When the Church finally understands God’s plan of operation and goes, each member will be accompanied by signs following them. The time to pray and chase signs and wonders is over; it is time for the supernatural to follow you everywhere you go. People will hear the Good News, they will get delivered of demonic strongholds, they will be set free from sickness and disease. This is the lifestyle of a believer in the world today. Jesus has been received up–-now it is time to go everywhere!
The Church: The Accompanying One
Friday, December 6, 2024
Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. -- Acts 2:33
We found out that Jesus was received up into heaven bodily; that the believer should go into all the world and preach the gospel, and that supernatural signs would follow the believer. When we go, the Lord will work “with” the believer, not for the believer. If the Lord is seated at the right hand of God, how can he possibly work with us here in the earth? Here the Word tells us the Lord will work with us in the person of the Holy Ghost. The sufferings of the Cross were not just so Jesus could pay for your sins so that you could receive Him as Savior and be with Him in heaven when you die. Jesus suffered, died, and was raised not only so you could be with God, but so God could be with you here on the earth. God desired to be a part of man’s life, to be man’s Lord in every area of life: the God of your life, your marriage, your family, your job, and your money. He desires to work with you so that you not only have life, but have it more abundantly. This abundant life is available through the person of the Holy Ghost. He is not a promise, but the promise sent to you, your children, and those who are afar off (Acts 2:38, 39). He is the “pow” in your power, the “super” in your supernatural, the “vic” in your victory, and the “glo” in your glory! He is the Lord Who will work with you–-when and if you go!