Found 943 result(s).

You Are Raised With Him - Senior Pastor Tom Kehres

Posted on Sunday, April 4, 2021

Know where you came from, who you are, and know why you are here. The day Jesus was raised from the dead, so were you! Set your affection on things above. Know your purpose and seek the Kingdom of God. You have been created in the Image of God and have been given all talents to fulfill your purpose!

Kingdom of God Finances 2021: Part 5 - Patrick Dube

Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Your gift will lead you to your purpose, which will reveal your potential and the Wisdom of God will be added to you. You can then minister to people and help turn them from darkness to light. Into the Kingdom of God, Prosperity! Understand that the Holy Spirit is your private teacher. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct you when opportunity crosses your path. When the Spirit of God shows you an opportunity, it will be beyond your vision, reach, and resources. This requires faith and confidence in the Lord!

Deliverance and Declaration - Associate Pastors LaTasha & Benjamin Robinson

Posted on Sunday, March 28, 2021

Do not entertain the lies of Satan. It's time to be honest with Yourself and be set free! Apply the Word of God to your life and get delivered from repeated sins. God has provided us with everything to defeat Satan. Do not open yourself up with the enemy. Be confident with the call that the Lord has placed upon your life. Be all that God has made You to be, You are a Victor!

Kingdom of God Finances 2021: Part 4 - Patrick Dube

Posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2021

We must be willing and obedient to the Lord. Maintain a strong foundation in the Word of God, for seed produces after its own kind. God loves a cheerful giver and finds pleasure in the prosperity of His Servant!

Climb Up The Sycamore Tree - Senior Pastor Tom Kehres

Posted on Sunday, March 21, 2021

It's time to make a change! You have the Authority to keep your peace, don't let the enemy steal it! Understand the importance of the Anointing and how the Spiritual Realm has influence over you. Find the areas in your life that cause you to lose your peace and start climbing the Sycamore Tree!