Found 943 result(s).
Speaker James Wrench -
Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Listen as James Wrench shares powerful testimonies and speaks about how God wants to demonstrate the Gospel through us! Continue to press into a relationship with the Lord and allow Him to flow through you!
Flowing in the Spirit of God -
Posted on Sunday, August 15, 2021
Operate in the Spirit of God, don't but the Holy Ghost in a box. Step into the Kingdom Way and Life! Continue to seek God and his Word daily, it's time to rise up! Live in Peace, Joy, and Victory everyday of your Life!
Israel Special -
Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Listen in as guest speaker Chaim Malespin, Director of Aliyah Return Center, speaks about Israel and the purpose of the Aliyah Return Center.
Know Who You Are In Christ -
Posted on Sunday, August 8, 2021
It's time to put off the lifestyle of the old man! We all have been given the authority to grow up as a Son/Daughter of God. Read the Word and believe it, understand who you are and profess it with your mouth! It's up to you to constantly renew your mind and line up with the Word of God. A good tree produces good fruit! You are righteous, powerful, holy, and a Citizen in the Kingdom of God.
Get Rid of the Old Crop -
Posted on Wednesday, August 4, 2021
It's time to plant new seed! We must plant God's Word in our Heart to walk in the new man and get rid of the old man. Continue to plant God's word in your heart through prayer and meditation, seek and learn His Word, recognize God's voice, and plead the blood of Christ over any strongholds daily!