Found 930 result(s).
Exercise Godliness -
Posted on Sunday, November 14, 2021
Change the way you think to the way God thinks and become one with Him. Press forward to your high calling. Receive revelation from the Word to change your thought life to operate and live in Christ likeness. Receive God's laws in your mind, soul, spirit, and heart!
Girl Arise! It's Not Dead! -
Posted on Friday, November 12, 2021
Listen as Associate Pastor LaTasha Robinson gives a powerful message during this Women's Meeting. Activate what God's wants to do in your life. Just as God has taught you, abide in him. You have been given an anointing and it's time to use it!
Not Flesh and Blood - Week 6 -
Posted on Wednesday, November 10, 2021
God sent Jesus to come to give life, and life more abundantly. Understand that you have been given the power and authority to rule over the Devil. Glorify God in your body and spirit. Do not be blinded by the Devil. Keep your self free from bad spiritual influenced activity.
Heading to the High Call -
Posted on Sunday, November 7, 2021
Grow into a place of Christlikeness! Continue to seek the Word, understand it, and think the way Jesus does. You've been delivered from the curse of the law. Grow into high calling and be effective in the real call that God has for you!
Not Flesh and Blood - Week 5 -
Posted on Wednesday, November 3, 2021
It's important to understand the influence of the Spirit Realm on your mind. There's a Spiritual battle that we fight everyday. Are you going to walk in truth and receive victory or let the Devil attack the love of God with wrong doctrine? God has made you a victor who has power and authority over all Devils. The Word of God brings you faith and truth, do not let the devil depart you from the right doctrine of God. You are responsible to use your anointing and resist the Devil!