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The House of God: Wrinkles and Spots, Be Gone!
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
— Ephesians 5:27
We are entering into a time of wrinkle-straightening, spot-removing, and blemish-eliminating. The Church of the living God is a glorious Church because it is filled with the glory. When the fire of revival burns bright in you and the living God is allowed to live in you, old hurts, old offenses, and past set-backs will become among that which has passed away. You were created in the image and likeness of God, reborn as a new creation, and have become His workmanship. Now you must keep the fire of God hot in you so that wrinkles and spots will not be part of your life. As we grow older physically, wrinkles become part of our life, but as the years go by spiritually, there is no place for spiritual wrinkles. Wrinkles of fatigue, wrinkles of being worn-out while serving God, are only a result of not tending to the life and fire in you. You do not have to burn out over the years of your Christian life; you can grow hotter each year. You must renew your inner man day by day (2 Cor. 4:16). Do not expect to stay on fire just by attending Sunday church. This life is a daily life; this life must be fed and nurtured daily. Spots come through set-backs and discouragement. They come to dull the life and fire you have. But you can “shout them out”! Shout the praises of God! Shout the great things He has done. Put on that music CD and worship the Lord. You can choose to be wrinkle-free and without a spot–-a glorious church–-for Christ.
The House of God: A Living Stone
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
— 1 Peter 2:5
You are the house of God! You are a spiritual house, a work of God, co-laboring with Him to build His house without spot or wrinkle! God’s house can only be built with one kind of material–-living stones. God cannot use dead stones, cold stones, hurt stones, worn-out stones-–only living stones. Only stones who have allowed the life-giving Spirit to give them life can be used to be fitly framed together for a habitation of God through the Spirit. Lively stones, with their foundation on the Word, with their answer being the Truth, will be used mightily as the house of God. Only lively stones can harmoniously fit together. Those stones with excess due to spots, wrinkles, blemishes, offenses, or unforgiveness will not fit into God’s spiritual house. Many in the church wonder “Where do I fit in?” “What is my part?” Only after you allow the fire of revival to burn up whatever is of selfish motives will you truly find your place. All will be tested by fire (1 Cor. 3:13). The fire of revival in you will continue to consume anything that is not of benefit to the plan and purpose of God. It will teach you what and who to avoid so nothing can tamper with the fire in you. Your job? Keep the fire of revival, keep the living God, alive in you. Stay clear of spots and wrinkles, gossip and complaining, and speak the truth to yourself in love. There is a place for you in God’s plan--in God’s building-–just be a living stone.
The House of God: Workers with God
Monday, June 10, 2024
For we are labourers together with God:
— 1 Corinthians 3:9a
There is a work of God in the Earth today. You, as a born-again believer, have the opportunity to co-labor with, or work with, God. In this hour, God needs, God desires, God is looking for, co-workers or partners to cooperate with Him to get this work done. On the inside of you there is a cry, a yearning, a hunger for the things of the Spirit. There is a desire to fulfill your purpose for being on this Earth. That purpose is to partner with God through faith in His Word to make an impact on other people. Some Christians want to sit back and pray for God to do it all. Some want to do it all themselves without His help. But only by co-laboring together will the work be completed. As you grow in your faith, your ability to work with God will grow. Soon you will hear His voice, follow His direction, and do the will of the Father. It is an honor and a privilege to be allowed to labor with God. You and He together can change your life, your marriage, your family, your church, and your city. We are laborers, co-workers, and partners with God in a supernatural work that will change the lives of many. You were created for such a time as this!
The House of God: God's Work
Friday, June 7, 2024
Ye are God’s are the temple of God.
— 1 Corinthians 3:9b, 16
God has a plan, God has a work. He is building a house, restoring His temple. He is building a house that will not be shaken, that will not fail, that will not falter. The house He is building is you! You are the temple of God-–you are the house of God. You are the temple of the living God (2 Corinthians 6:16) and God desires to live in and through you! He can be in you, He can dwell in you, but still not live in you; you must learn to cooperate with His thoughts, His desires, and His power, all resident within you. You will become a place where Jesus is Lord and where His Spirit is alive, a habitation of God through the Spirit (Ephesians 2:22). When you were born again, Jesus became Lord of your life. Now He wants to be Lord of your job, Lord of your business, Lord of your marriage, Lord of your money, Lord of your ministry–-Lord of all! It is the Father in you Who is doing His work through you-–saving the lost, preaching the gospel, healing the sick, casting out devils, living in love! You have become His building, His address, His habitation through the Spirit. The Spirit is welcome in you, accepted in you, yielded to, and allowed to do His work through you. You are God’s building–-you are God’s temple-–you are laboring together with God.
The House of God: Fireworks!
Thursday, June 6, 2024
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
— 1 Corinthians 3:11
The work of God, the house that He is building, is you. He has only one foundation to build with–-Jesus Christ, or the Word of God. The Word is the only thing strong enough to stand the test of time, to stay firm in the midst of a storm, to be more sure than heaven and earth. Many try to build on other foundations; they try to build on money, on a beautiful building, on a program, on gimmicks, or by people-pleasing, but the only foundation that will remain is the Word. In your own life-–every part of your life must be built on the Word. Why is this so? Because there is a fire coming to the Body of Christ (v. 13). This fire will burn up every foundation other than the Word. If you have built on and trusted in money, you will lose it. If you have built on and trusted in people, you will lose them. If you have built on and trusted in position, you will lose your position. The fire will burn up everything not built on the Word. But don’t fret, this is good news! After the fire eliminates what you are wrongfully trusting in, you can then start over and build on the Word. Whatever you depend on, whatever you trust in, other than Jesus Christ will be revealed by fire, removed, and lost. Past hurts, offenses, and unforgiveness will cause the frame of your building to rot away–-from the inside out! Allow the fire to burn up all that is not of the Word so that you are a living habitation of God through the Spirit.