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Sons of God: Got Milk?
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.
— 1 Peter 2:2
Here is the key to spiritual growth: the Word of God. When you received Jesus as Savior, there was a desire put in you for the Word of God. Much like milk in the natural helps a baby to grow, the Word of God will grow you up spiritually in the things of the Spirit. The Word is your spirit food, and what you eat will make a difference in your life. Tradition and religion will bind you and keep you a child, but the pure milk of the Word will grow you, or give you progress, in your salvation. Never lose your hunger for the Word! Sometimes you may have to force-feed yourself because of your feelings and emotions, but your desire will follow your attention! Sit under the Word every time you have a chance; get CD’s and downloads that will help you grow. The Word is God speaking to you, so listen to it and act upon it. Soon you will not only have life, but life more abundantly; soon you will not only be saved, but you will come into the knowledge of the truth. The more truth you receive, the more free you will become. The more free you become, the greater the potential to free others. Desire the milk of the Word!
Sons of God: The Mark of Maturity
Monday, September 9, 2024
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
— Romans 8:14
A child (an immature offspring) of God is led by circumstances and natural situations: they are happy today, sad tomorrow, on top today, underneath tomorrow. But one who partakes of the Word will soon learn to be led by the Spirit, or by the Word. The Word never changes, so the son of God remains stable in all times, good or bad. He is being led daily by the Spirit of God. Where is the Spirit leading him? He is leading him into all truth (John 16:13)! Why is He leading him into all truth? Because he desires him to know the truth so the truth will make him free (John 8:32). The Spirit and the Word working together will re-train or reprogram your thinking to think in line with God and His thoughts. Once you are brought into agreement with God’s Word, you will have the ability to live as God lives. The more free you become, the greater your ability to teach others, and set them free. Change in your life comes through a revelation of the truth. You have been given the power, the right, the privilege to believe God’s Word. You make the choice to read it, hear it, and apply it to your life. The more you abide in the Word, the more you will abide in Him (John 15:7).
Redeemed: Forever
Friday, September 6, 2024
Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
– Hebrews 9:12
Jesus' sacrifice and the shedding of His blood was a permanent remedy, forever. His blood obtained for you an eternal redemption. It does not matter how you feel about it or how the situation may look, you are eternally redeemed. Jesus entered in once, and He will not go back to the cross and die for you again, just because you slide off into unbelief. No! You have been eternally redeemed once and for all, forever. Don't let circumstances and natural evidence steal your redemption from you, keep your eyes on the Blood and on your redemption. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so all the time.
Redeemed: Now
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people...that he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.
– Luke 1:68, 74, 75
He has obtained an eternal redemption for us. You are eternally redeemed. To redeem means to buy back or to set free. Adam through his sin sold you out to the devil, sin, and the curse, but Jesus, with His own blood, paid the price for you and your redemption. You are now, today, set free from all the power of darkness. Sin, sickness, fear, guilt, condemnation, and lack are all things of the past for you, because you have been set free by the Blood. Do not tolerate the lying symptoms and circumstances designed to take you out of your redemption. Jesus entered in once and has obtained eternal redemption for us! It is yours! Think about it, meditate on it, praise Him for it! Resist anything that tries to steal it! You are the redeemed!
The Fire: True Revival
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; – Ephesians 2:1
When you were born again, the Word of God says that you were quickened, or made alive. Your spirit being was injected with the life of God and the nature of God. Revival was imparted to you, and it expected to keep you alive spiritually all the days of your life. Revival means to make alive, to keep alive, to live alive. Revival was imparted to you and should continue to grow, unless you “backslide” or slide back toward death. You were dead-–now you never have to live one day outside of an excited, on-fire state for God! Many people look for revival “out there.” They seek to see power displays, signs and wonders and miracles. But true revival is not outside you; it is in you. If you choose to keep the fire burning, choose to stay hot for the things of God, revival will manifest everywhere you go. Displays of revival in the natural are a result of revival in your spirit. There is no need to pray for revival, beg God for revival, plead for, or even wait for, revival. Revival is in you now! Just fan the flame through the Word and prayer, and watch an exciting Christian life spring forth. You once were dead, but now you are revived!