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The Truth: The Guide of God
Friday, January 17, 2025
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. — Romans 8:14
As you begin to read and study the Word, you will start to discover God’s will and the truth for your life. The Truth will teach you how to operate in your finances, health, relationships, work, ministry, and life itself. But as you continue in the Truth, you will find that you start to run into situations and decisions that are not clearly specified in the Word. What house do I buy? What job do I take? Whom do I marry? For these types of decisions God gave you the Spirit of God, or the Spirit of Truth. He was sent to you to lead you and guide you into all Truth, not only the truth in the written Word, but the truth in every decision you make. The Word declares that we were born children of God, but were unstable, tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine (Eph. 4:14). By obeying the Truth or the written Word, you will become separated to God’s will and ways so you can then be led by His Spirit in other decisions outside the Word. You must learn to obey the written Word first! Failure to do so will cause you to be led by the wrong voice in other decisions. Let the Word of God sanctify and purify your soul by your decision to hear and obey the Word. Start by praying, loving, tithing, forgiving–-then yield to His Spirit in every other area of your life.
The Truth: The Voice of the Spirit
Thursday, January 16, 2025
But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. — 1 John 2:20
You have an unction, an anointing, the Spirit of Truth, who desires to lead you and guide you daily into all truth. Notice: You know all things. You can make the right decision every time. You have the unction, the Spirit, an anointing, that is Truth and will lead you and guide you in the right direction, in the right decision always! Are you becoming sanctified, separated to the written Word? Now start to become sanctified to that still, small voice of God in you. Some call it conscience, some call it a hunch, some call it a prompting, but it is the voice of the Spirit in you. If you do not stay in the Word and pray in the Spirit, you will find yourself making the wrong decisions, the wrong choices, every time. Why? Because you will choose according to natural indications or inclinations. Does it look good in the natural? Then I’ll do it! = a soulish decision made on sight and feeling. If you go that way, the soulish way, you will have to provide for that way and carry out that way without the power of God. It will fail! God is only responsible to back up His decision. Spiritual decisions are made based on a "knowing" in you, and many times will make no sense in the natural. Learn to be led by the inner voice, the little promptings, in the little things–-so you will be ready when a big decision needs to be made.
Your Sanctification: God's Desire
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; — 1 Thessalonians 5:23a
Once you are born again, the God of peace goes to work to sanctify you. Sanctify means to separate from and to separate to. At the new birth, we were separated from sin, from evil, from the curse; we were separated to righteousness, to good, and to God. God desires to sanctify you wholly–-your spirit, soul, and body. Paul states in 1 Corinthians 6:11 that you are sanctified! And again, in 1 Corinthians 1:2, "To them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus." Well, are we, or are we being sanctified? Which one is it? When you received Jesus as Lord and Savior, you were immediately sanctified. But that sanctification, that separation, only took place in the spirit, in the real you. Now, through His Word and His Spirit, His desire is to sanctify your soul and your body to the things of God. The only change that took place in the miracle of the new birth is in your spirit; your soul (mind, will, and emotions) and your body remained the same. Through the renewing of your mind to the Word of God, He will separate the whole you to God and to the things of God. This is when you will experience life, and life more abundantly. In Him you will see the power of God flow out of your life. He started a work in your spirit; now He desires to sanctify you wholly–-spirit, soul and body.
Your Sanctification: God's Will
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; — 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 4
Many people desire to know God’s will for their lives. They search and seek to find what God’s will is for them: Pastor? Teacher? Prophet? Music Minister? Usher? Helps Minister? But until you allow God to complete His immediate will in your life, you will not be able to fulfill your call. His desire: your sanctification, that you may possess your vessel in sanctification and honor. God desires that you live a sanctified life here on the earth. You are now a new creation, created after God in righteousness and true holiness (Eph. 4:24). Your spirit was instantly sanctified at the new birth, but now a process of sanctifying or separating your soul and body from the old to the new is taking place. The Word will separate you from wrong thinking to God-thinking, from wrong living to God-living, from wrong talking to God-talking, from natural results to God-results. Your destiny = to be wholly separated to God–-spirit, soul, and body. Notice that this is for everyone, not just a select few! God, through His Spirit and His Word, will teach you how to live in your body, right here on this earth, in separation unto the plans and purposes of God. You are sanctified, and you are being sanctified by the God of peace.
Your Sanctification: God's Instrument
Monday, January 13, 2025
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, — Ephesians 5:26
God is in the process of sanctifying His Church! How does He do it? With the Word. God uses His Word to sanctify your soul and body, to separate your soul from some things and to some things, to separate your body from some things and to some things. Since your new birth, have some things changed? Before the new birth, I desired to drink and curse and live like the devil. But after the new birth, my thoughts began to change and my desires began to change. All at once I wanted to go to church, wanted to read the Word, and desired to pray and to tithe. As I continued in the Word, my thoughts continued to change in a God-direction. If I stopped or got too busy, I found that my mind would slip back to the old way of thinking. You need to be washed in your soul by the Word on a daily basis. Just like you take a shower for your body once or twice a day, you need to wash your soul on the Word. If you stop showering in the natural, you will start to stink sooner or later. If you get out of the Word, your thinking will start to stink! If you have been born again for years and have seen little change–-check the spiritual soap you are using. Is it the Word of God or the word of religion or tradition? You cannot get clean by taking a bath in dirty water, so make sure what is being preached to you is the right type of cleaner–-the Word of God.